Why Inward Investment Agencies Need Effective Content Marketing Strategies...

Friday 12 January 2018
As a specialist Inward Investment Marketing company, we like to keep an eye on how Investment Promotion Agencies are marketing their countries, states or regions to expanding businesses, with a particular focus on their online strategies and activities.

And a key observation we're continuing to make is this: to build more awareness of their business locations, nurture stronger relationships with investing companies and generate more inward investment leads, many investment promotion agencies would benefit greatly from implementing effective Content Marketing Strategies.

What is Content Marketing for Inward Investment Promotion?

In summary, Content Marketing involves the creation, publication and continual online distribution (via website, social media and e-mail) of valuable and relevant content (e.g. text, data, graphics or video) to attract your target audience, engage their interest and generate more inward investment leads.

It involves putting your 'Blog' at the heart of your website (i.e. making your site 'dynamic', not just 'static'). And it means having a clear content creation strategy - to communicate your location solutions to prospective inward investors systematically and effectively.

Download Clarity's E-Book, The Inward Investment Marketing System: learn more about Content Marketing Solutions for Inward Investment Attraction.

Why does Content Marketing work for Inward Investment Attraction?

Content Marketing works because it boosts your search engine profile (SEO) significantly, and focuses on projecting the valuable location solutions that businesses really want. When we talk about location solutions, we mean high-quality facts and data that companies can use to build location business cases - about your cost advantages, workforce capabilities, property portfolio and so on. 'News' stories and case studies are important parts of the mix too, building confidence in your location by highlighting new developments and investor announcements. But location solutions are most important of all - because they're what investing businesses are actually searching for online.

In the specific context of inward investment promotion, Content Marketing helps national and regional agencies to nurture and build relationships with companies between meetings or trade shows, and to keep business decision makers continually up to date with your regional advantages, sector propositions and developments. That's important, because landing inward investments can take some time, in the face of stiff competition. An effective Content Marketing strategy can be the best way of ensuring that business decision makers don't forget about your location, and why it aligns with their needs more effectively than your competitors'.

Download Clarity's E-Book, The Inward Investment Marketing System: learn more about Content Marketing Solutions for Inward Investment Attraction.

Getting More Value from your Online Content...

So, if you're an inward investment agency developing your new website or e-marketing strategy, think again before just publishing your valuable content to static, 'brochure style' web pages. Instead, think of your website as the publishing platform you use to project your 'location solutions' to businesses - via your high-quality Blog and your targeted, sustained, Content Marketing Strategy.

Nick Smillie
MD, Clarity | Inward Investment Marketing Strategies

Inward Investment Marketing Blog