Inward Investment Marketing that Works

Inward Investment Marketing is one of the toughest Business Development challenges there is. The global pool of would-be investors is massive, but real, qualified inward investment leads - companies with expansion strategies that align with your Regional offer - are few and far between. And finding them at the right time, when they are ready to invest, makes the challenge even tougher. As a consequence, traditional marketing methods (e.g. advertising or mass e-mailings) simply don't work for inward investment lead generation. In summary, a radically different approach is required.

At Clarity, we believe that the key to effective inward investment marketing lies in the way businesses now procure goods and services - including new facilities. Today, at least 71% of companies start the procurement process with online Research. The challenge for inward investment marketing agencies is, therefore, to get found by companies at the precise moment that they, or their consultants, are researching their location requirements.

Clarity offers a unique methodology, combined with an innovative approach to website development and training, to help our Regional clients get found and get engaged by real inward investment leads. Clarity will work with you to:

  • Develop an in-depth understanding of your Location Value Proposition, and the needs of prospective investors, as a sound basis for precision-targeted, solutions-focused website content
  • Assemble and manage your Agency or Regional 'Content Creation Team', to enable the ongoing creation and publication of excellent content, facilitate SEO ('getting found') and drive investor engagement
  • Develop and implement a winning Content Creation and Publishing Strategy, based on identified Key Subjects and Keywords, and Syndication (i.e. online distribution) of content to targeted Social Media platforms (e.g. industry discussion forums)
  • Optimise your Investment Promotion Website to convert Visitors into Investment Prospects through effective interaction and 'Calls to Action'
  • Target the specific identified needs of prospective inward investors through precision-targeted e-marketing
  • Optimise the performance of your online marketing activities through the effective use of Analytics (website KPIs)

Find out how your organisation can spend less on Inward Investment Marketing and generate more real investment leads.